I have read the United States Constitution on more than one occasion. I have read it just to read it.
I have read it looking for specific information, and no where on that document does it say
anything about government making life changing decisions on my behalf.
Now I will be honest here, I was not the best student in High School (no I won’t tell you what year I graduated).
But I was smart enough to do my homework and do what was expected of any student in school. Yes,
I studied and did homework, and attended class regularly, Okay so I missed a few days for fun. But it
was my determination, free will and understanding that at the very least a High School Diploma is
a much needed document to posses.
Tthe Governor of New York came out against the BIG SUGAR soft drinks, those that are 20 ounces and bigger.
But it just does not end there. No it appears to me, as pointed on in an article on the New York Post, that
he wants to go down the slippery slope even faster. Apparently the ban also translate to
large bags or buckets of our favorite movie time snack, Pop Corn. Yes laddies and gentelman
popcorn is now under attack
“The popcorn isn’t a whole lot better than the soda,” said Bruce Vladeck, a senior adviser at Nexera Consulting and one of the mayor’s appointees to the 11-member board.
The board yesterday agreed to put Bloomberg’s big-soda ban up for a public hearing July 24, but also talked about the merits of limiting other high-calorie treats.
A large tub of movie-theater popcorn has up to 1,650 calories.
“There are certainly milkshakes and milk-coffee beverages that have monstrous amounts of calories . . . and I’m not so sure what the rationale is not to include those,” said member Dr. Joel Forman, a pediatrics professor at Mount Sinai.”
Another surprising move by a small town in New York, the Massapequa Park Village Board voted unanimously to impose fines and even jail time for homeowners who don’t keep up their properties. Yes you can go to jail if your lawn in not mowed, to much trash, clutter. Once an order is given to clean the property the owners and or the bank who may own the home due to foreclosure have 10 days to comply. The First penalty can be up to $1,000 however other offenses can carry jail time and even heavier fines. Three Offenses with in five years can bring up to 15 days in jail and or a $10,000 fine.
In New Jersey they recently passed a law requiring that pets who travel in the car are properly secured. Yes you must put a seat belt on your dog and or cat. If a driver gets caught with an unrestrained pet the infraction may cost you $250 up to $1,000.
Which brings me back to the Constitution of the United States. In re-reading it (again) I found no where
with in the document that government has the right to limit my intake of soda, popcorn or to even secure
my dog while riding in the car.
I am smart enough to know what foods are good and bad. I am intelligent enough to know that driving around with
a dog on your lap is not such a good idea. And about mowing my lawn. Well perhaps I like it long.
If Government continues down this path then what other “rights”, “freedoms” can we have taken away from us.
I am sure you can think of some.
If you would like you can read more about the Massapequa Park Village laws here
The NY Post article on Popcorn can be found here
Securing your pet in New Jersey Here
The post We Will Control the Horizontal appeared first on Radio Vice Online.